Posted on 6/23/2015

One major aspect that makes hybrid cars favorable is the return on investment when it comes to refueling costs. Although purchasing a hybrid vehicle requires some extra upfront expense, they can be worth it in the long run. Within the past several years, gas prices have increased in general, but tend to go down in rates during the summer season. Even as the price of gas goes up and down, hybrid vehicles are still a leading solution for improving the environment. Despite the low score in mathematics when it comes to recent fuel costs, the hybrid transportation machine is still popular in sales. One aspect that is overlooked with hybrids is the fact that they are not only great for refueling expenses. When drivers opt to buy a hybrid vehicle, other factors are put into consideration, such as the purchase as a whole and maintenance. As residents of the Philadelphia region have witnessed the drop in gas prices over the last six months, it is easy to automatically pinpoint how hybri ... read more
Posted on 6/9/2015

It is not uncommon for motorists who drive regular gas powered cars to perform their own minor maintenance on their rides, such as a simple oil change. However, performing do-it-yourself maintenance for hybrid vehicles is much more complicated because of their engineered components. Many hybrid drivers can easily change their spark plugs, check their fluids and replace air filters, but the sophisticated electronics that make up the car can make advanced vehicle maintenance tasks more difficult. We at Savage Automotive specialize in conducting maintenance service for hybrid vehicles and are here to keep your car in top condition. Leave the hard maintenance elements of your hybrid up to us at Savage Automotive! When you are unsure of how to care for your hybrid, our expertise in electric vehicles can accomplish your car needs. When maintaining your hybrid, it is good to be aware of the ways that your vehicle is different compared to gas-powered cars. Don’t t ... read more