Posted on 12/19/2015
Hybrid vehicle auto shops such as Savage Hybrid Shop that specialize in brake repair in Philadelphia, PA as well as oil changes, engine repairs, wheel alignments and overall maintenance encourage drivers to learn more about regenerative braking systems: Some of these braking systems are completely electric and allow hybrid or electric vehicles to capture and utilize the kinetic energy that is usually entirely lost with traditional braking systems. When the regenerative brakes are activated at lower speeds, the braking circuit switches the motor so that it works in reverse and the wheels slow down due to generator resistance. This allows the motor to channel the energy that is normally released with the friction of traditional braking systems—which can waste close to 30 percent of the vehicle’s created power. The energy is captured and stored in high-voltage batteries where it will soon be recycled. Regenerative braking systems are designed to make use of the mo ... read more
Posted on 11/12/2015
Oil change is usually considered the most important part of basic car maintenance. Most of us have been told repeatedly and by many how important it is, but we still face a lot of customers who are not sure how often to change their oil or why exactly it needs to be done. That’s why, as one of the premier providers of car maintenance services like oil changes in Philadelphia, this month we wanted to talk a little about the importance and practicalities of oil changes. Why? A basic oil change consists of taking out the old oil and replacing it with new oil, and often also replacing the engine oil filter. The importance of oil is based on the fact that it is what lubricates the various moving parts in the engine that rub against each other, and it also absorbs heat, which prevents overheating. As time goes by, the heat that the oil is exposed to breaks it down until it becomes gummy or watery, which diminishes its ability to ... read more
Posted on 10/5/2015
A hybrid car is already, on its own, a very fuel-efficient way to drive: the best MPG numbers for hybrid cars are as high as 120-130 in the city and 100-110 on the highway. However, even with hybrid cars there are ways to drive and use the car that will give you even more miles per gallon. As one of the leading companies for auto repairs in Philadelphia, we like to think we know a little something about cars and hybrid vehicles, so we put together a short list of tips for fuel-efficient hybrid driving. The list has suggestions we recommend you keep in mind, even if you can’t follow every one of them all the time. Avoid Extra Weight We understand that using your car trunk as a mobile storage unit can have its benefits, but you should also always remember that any extra weight in a regular or a hybrid car will have an effect on the MPG, as well as the car’s overall performance. We recommend going through your trunk every now and then t ... read more
Posted on 8/19/2015
How healthy is your hybrid vehicle? Most of the time, drivers do not take their car to the auto shop unless an issue with the mechanics has surfaced, or they need a regular oil change. Regular maintenance, such as battery conditioning and tire rotating, is necessary for the vehicle to continue running well, but an overall checkup is also just as important. Due to the high voltage of the wiring and complicated electrical features of the hybrid vehicle, owners can only do so much on their own to inspect their car. Experts recommend that electric cars be brought to the auto shop for a checkup at least every six months or every 6,000 miles. Compared to gas powered vehicles, hybrid cars require special care but less maintenance. There are many benefits to taking your electric care for a routine inspection. Hybrid vehicles depend on their batteries to run and, unfortunately, they do not last forever. Knowing the status of your hybrid’s battery through a professional inspection will ... read more
Posted on 7/15/2015

In the Unites States, residents are well aware of hybrid vehicles such as trucks, four-door sedans and hatchbacks. Many drivers own a hybrid vehicle and have taken advantage of the fuel efficiency that it offers. Around the world, however, new hybrid vehicle models are surfacing and being utilized for industries and public transportation. Taking note of these vehicles can allow us, as hybrid fans, to look forward to what’s to come in terms of the hybrid vehicle industry. It is only a matter of time before more hybrid models become available to the U.S. As a well-renowned hybrid vehicle auto shop, we aim to stay up to date on all of the latest trends of the hybrid market. We couldn’t help but notice a few new models that have been released overseas that are already operating as a useful tool for transportation. Here we take a look at some of the newest hybrid vehicle models that are fully functional and on the road. The Drive e0 PP03 One Megawatt AWD Battery Electric Rac ... read more
Posted on 6/23/2015

One major aspect that makes hybrid cars favorable is the return on investment when it comes to refueling costs. Although purchasing a hybrid vehicle requires some extra upfront expense, they can be worth it in the long run. Within the past several years, gas prices have increased in general, but tend to go down in rates during the summer season. Even as the price of gas goes up and down, hybrid vehicles are still a leading solution for improving the environment. Despite the low score in mathematics when it comes to recent fuel costs, the hybrid transportation machine is still popular in sales. One aspect that is overlooked with hybrids is the fact that they are not only great for refueling expenses. When drivers opt to buy a hybrid vehicle, other factors are put into consideration, such as the purchase as a whole and maintenance. As residents of the Philadelphia region have witnessed the drop in gas prices over the last six months, it is easy to automatically pinpoint how hybri ... read more
Posted on 6/9/2015

It is not uncommon for motorists who drive regular gas powered cars to perform their own minor maintenance on their rides, such as a simple oil change. However, performing do-it-yourself maintenance for hybrid vehicles is much more complicated because of their engineered components. Many hybrid drivers can easily change their spark plugs, check their fluids and replace air filters, but the sophisticated electronics that make up the car can make advanced vehicle maintenance tasks more difficult. We at Savage Automotive specialize in conducting maintenance service for hybrid vehicles and are here to keep your car in top condition. Leave the hard maintenance elements of your hybrid up to us at Savage Automotive! When you are unsure of how to care for your hybrid, our expertise in electric vehicles can accomplish your car needs. When maintaining your hybrid, it is good to be aware of the ways that your vehicle is different compared to gas-powered cars. Don’t t ... read more
Posted on 4/28/2015

The thing about batteries is that they don’t last forever. Even though the Energizer Bunny® can keep going and going, eventually, the juice comes to an end. The same can be said for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV). Hybrid cars run on battery, which is why they are so energy efficient; a driver who invests in a hybrid vehicle saves a lot of money by cutting back fuel costs. However, did you know that within six to ten years of owning a hybrid vehicle, you may need to replace the battery or have it repaired? And hybrid batteries are not cheap, ranging around $4,000. But don’t be discouraged! There are a variety of tactics that can be used to maintain and upkeep the battery of a hybrid vehicle. Taking good care of the battery will elongate its lifespan, as well as save you thousands of dollars. We at Savage Automotive specialize in battery conditioning services. Using our expertise, we have compiled a list of tips that you can follow to keep your battery up to par ... read more
Posted on 4/7/2015
There are a variety of extra features for Hybrids that increase energy efficiency, and low rolling resistance tires are a popular one. Tires are the main component that make the car go – without them, vehicles can’t function. Hybrid cars are designed to be fuel efficient, which makes them a likeable choice for many drivers. Low rolling resistance tires increase the fuel efficiency of Hybrid cars in a variety of ways. We at Savage Automotive offer low rolling resistance tires and tire services for Hybrids, and we have seen how much our customers enjoy the smooth ride of their new upgrade. Energy efficient tires are definitely worth the money savings in the long run. How They Work With low rolling resistance tires, your car will not be dragged when it accelerates, which saves a significant amount of fuel. These wheels work by minimizing the vehicle’s needed rolling effort, which requires less energy. The value of the rolling resistance force divided am ... read more
Posted on 2/26/2015
Prevent Your Hybrid from Damage Every vehicle needs to be properly maintained in order to avoid mechanical issues. Compared to regular gas fuel cars, hybrids have features that already allow it to be durable and long lasting. However, as an auto shop that specializes in hybrid services, we also encourage vehicle owners to perform routine maintenance. Hybrid maintenance is pretty much similar to standard vehicles because they require upkeep of all major systems. Money is saved when time is taken to carefully maintain your hybrid, which also allows it to last much longer. In a hybrid, the transmission and electric drive motor are combined to work together as a whole, so when one fails, so does the other. That’s when you would need a team of auto professionals like us at Savage Automotive to repair it. We understand that routine maintenance on all of your hybrid’s systems as a whole can be a hassle. But if you know how to properly check them all, it can be well worth i ... read more