Posted on 9/6/2016
After ordering a medium-sized caramel iced coffee, you roll out of the drive-thru, and something on your dashboard catches your eye. You glance down and are immediately filled with dread. A little engine with a sunny hue makes your day darker. Whenever the check engine light comes on, you should always seek assistance from Savage Hybrid Shop, the leading hybrid repair service in the Wilmington, DE region. Although this warning light is alarming, we can diagnose the issue and provide you with an affordable solution. Here are five possibilities out of many reasons for why your check engine light is appearing. Faulty Oxygen Sensor – Your oxygen sensor assesses how much unburned oxygen is in your vehicle’s exhaust system. Eventually, a buildup of ash from oil covers the sensor and provides incorrect data, which could spell damage for your catalytic converter and spark plugs. Damaged Spark Plugs – Spark plugs that take in high-voltage electricity at one en ... read more